| Hebrew | trans Heb | trans Greek | Greek | translation | Here's an expanded version of that raw CATSS parallel text: It is in any case fairly simple to follow. or before the invention of " Unicode", anyway. Obviously this is using a transliteration scheme which comes from a time when dinosaurs walked the earth. Here's what Genesis 1:1 looks like: Gen 1:1 This set of text files has been around for a long time, and forms the basis for some of the modules now found in BibleWorks or Accordance. The best tool, bar none, is the CCAT/CATSS 1 Parallel Aligned Hebrew and Greek Jewish Scriptures. But that doesn't exhaust the possibilities:

The major Bible software packages all offer some facility for getting at this information. I suspect this is not what OP has in mind, but it is the "right" answer. My first answer would be a working knowledge of classical Hebrew and koine Greek. What tools are the necessary tools to determine what NT Greek words correspond to the Hebrew words that were translated into the LXX?